Gambling Tax South Africa 2020

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Unlike the United States, South Africa doesn't generally tax recreational gambling winnings. You may be required to report large winnings to the South African Revenue Service, but your windfall won't be subject to capital gains taxes. This is merely a rule of thumb that applies to recreational players. Mar 01, 2019 Estate duty is levied at a flat rate of 20% on the property of South African tax residents and the South African property of non-residents. A basic deduction of R 3.5 million applies in respect of estate duty. If you play international lotteries from South Africa, there may be tax laws in those countries that come into effect before you receive your winnings. For example, the United States government imposes a 25% federal tax on any Mega Millions prize above $5,000.01, while the jackpot is subject to a 39% federal tax withholding.

✔ 2020 Tax Rates, Thresholds and Allowance for Individuals, Companies, Trusts and Small Business Corporations (SBC) in South Africa

You are viewing the income tax rates, thresholds and allowances for the 2020 Tax Year in South Africa. If you are looking for an alternative tax year, please select one below.

The following tax rates, thresholds and allowances are valid for the 2019 - 2020 Tax Year in South Africa which is known as the 2020 Tax Year. The Tax Year runs from 1 March 2019 - 28 February 2020

Rates for Individuals

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Individuals
Taxable Income (R)Percentage rate of tax due within the threshold
R0.00 - R195,850.0018% of income within the threshold
R195,850.00 - R305,850.0026% of income within the threshold + R35,253.00
R305,850.00 - R423,300.0031% of income within the threshold + R63,853.00
R423,300.00 - R555,600.0036% of income within the threshold + R100,263.00
R555,600.00 - R708,310.0039% of income within the threshold + R147,891.00
R708,310.00 - R1,500,000.0041% of income within the threshold + R207,448.00
South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Individuals
R79,000.00Tax Free Threshold Under 65
R122,300.00Tax Free Threshold Over 65
R136,750.00Tax Free Threshold Over 75
R14,220.00Tax Rebate Under 65
R7,794.00Tax Rebate Over 65
R2,601.00Tax Rebate Over 75

Medical Tax Credit Rates

Gambling Tax South Africa 2020 Permits

Please note that the Medical Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit and cannot be carried over to the next tax year. The MTC is a fixed monthly amount that increases in line with the number of dependants you claim for. Note that the figures below show the annual Medical Tax Credit amounts

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Medical Tax Credit Rates
R3,720.00Medical Tax Credit for the taxpayer who paid the medical scheme contributions
R3,720.00Medical Tax Credit for the first dependant
R2,508.00Medical Tax Credit for each additional dependant(s)
7.5%Medical Tax, percentage of deductible earning

Companies, Trusts and Small Business Corporations (SBC)

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Companies, Trusts and Small Business Corporations (SBC)
%Company with financial years ending 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2020
%Personal service provider companies
%Foreign resident companies which earn income from a source in South Africa
%Trusts (other than special trusts) assessment year ending 1 March 2019 - 31 Febuary 2020
South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Small Business Corporations (SBC)
Taxable Income (R)Percentage rate of tax due within the threshold
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00

Medical Tax Credit Rates


Please note that the Medical Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit and cannot be carried over to the next tax year. The MTC is a fixed monthly amount that increases in line with the number of dependants you claim for. Note that the figures below show the annual Medical Tax Credit amounts

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Medical Tax Credit Rates
R3,720.00Medical Tax Credit for the taxpayer who paid the medical scheme contributions
R3,720.00Medical Tax Credit for the first dependant
R2,508.00Medical Tax Credit for each additional dependant(s)
7.5%Medical Tax, percentage of deductible earning
Gambling Tax South Africa 2020

Interest and Dividends

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Interest and Dividends
R0.00Interest Exemptions threshoold for an individual younger than 65
R0.00Interest Exemptions threshoold for an individual 65 and older
%Final Withholding tax charged on interest from a South African source payable to non-residents
R0.00Dividends Tax
R0.00Foreign Dividends
R0.00Foreign Dividends received by individuals from foreign companies (shareholding of less than 10% in the foreign company)

Gambling Tax South Africa 2020 Winner

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
%Capital Gains Tax for Individuals and Special Trusts
%Capital Gains Tax for Companies
%Capital Gains Tax for Other Trusts

Retirement Lump Sum Benefits

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Retirement Lump Sum Benefits
27.5%Pension Contributions: Maximum Income contribution
R350,000.00Pension Contributions: Maximum Annual contribution

Withdrawal Benefit

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Withdrawal Benefit
Taxable Income (R)Percentage rate of tax due within the threshold
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00

Retirement & Death Benefits or Severance Benefits

South Africa 2020 Tax Tables for Retirement & Death Benefits or Severance Benefits
Taxable Income (R)Percentage rate of tax due within the threshold
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00
R0.00 - R0.00% of income within the threshold + R0.00

Gambling Tax South Africa 2020 Results

Income Tax Tables are used to calculated individual salaries, apply tax deductions and tax credits to produce a net take home pay (your income after deductions). Below is an example salary after tax deductions based on the 2019 - 2020 tax tables.

R309,300.00 Salary Income Tax Calculation and Salary Example

Gambling Tax South Africa 2020 Calendar

R309,300.00 Income Tax Calculations for 2020
Yearly%1Salary/Tax Component
R309,300.00100.00%Employment Income
R309,300.00100.00%Gross Income
R85,057.5027.50%Retirement Funds
R309,300.00100.00%Taxable Income
R14,220.004.60%Tax Rebate
R50,530.0016.34%Income Tax Due
R50,530.0016.34%Total Deductions
R258,770.0083.66%Net Pay
R3,093.001.00%Employer Contribution to Risk Benefits
R4,639.501.50%Employer Contribution to Retirement Funds
R317,032.50102.50%Salary Package [Cost of Employee]

1 Percentage expressed in relation to Gross Income [R309,300.00].

Gambling tax south africa 2020 permits

If you have not encountered tax table information before or if you are unsure of how tax tables affect your income we recommend you read our guide: What are Tax Tables? Tax Tables explained.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the digital landscape around the world. The mobile industry in Sub-Saharan Africa has largely risen to the challenge of keeping individuals and businesses connected during the pandemic, despite changes in data consumption patterns. However, with nearly 800 million people in the region still not connected to the mobile internet, it has never been more urgent to close the digital divide.

Governments and policymakers should implement policies to enhance access to connectivity and drive investment in more resilient digital infrastructure for the future. This is crucial to reactivating the region’s economy post- Covid-19 despite the sizable contribution mobile technologies and services generated in 2019, at 9% of regional GDP.

Efficient and effective management of spectrum is also key to maximise the opportunities that mobile connectivity can bring to society. Making sure the required spectrum resources are available under the right conditions will lower broadband costs, increase coverage and boost connectivity. The 2020s will see strong growth in the number of Africans connected to mobile broadband. As 4G and 5G grow together throughout the decade to come, spectrum preparation can drive cost efficiency and promote growth.